About us

The Energy Priority Area (PA2) has three major objectives to follow during its work. First, PA2 coordinates regional energy polices in various topics in order to exploit the full potential of an integrated energy market. Second, PA2 is instrumental in the integration of the energy markets of the non-EU countries and supports them in the implementation of the EU energy acquis. Third, PA2 is committed to launch cutting edge technology developments, which will increase the energy efficiency of the region and enhance the use of renewable energy sources. This three-fold approach is represented in several initiatives, of which many are already completed while some of them are ongoing activities.
The specific actions and targets are the following:
Action | Target |
1. To further explore the sustainable use of biomass, solar energy, geothermal, hydropower and wind power to increase the energy independency and to promote and support multipurpose cross border RES utilization projects. | Supporting each ESUDR country to reach its national target by 2030 in order to contribute to the collaborative EU 30% renewable energy in the overall use by 2030, while complying with the National Emission Ceilings. |
2. To promote energy efficiency and use of renewable energy in buildings and heating systems including district heating and cooling and combined heat and power facilities. |
To support that at least 5 obsolete fossil-fuel based district heating systems planned to be modernized / transformed to be RES based by 2025.
3. To promote decarbonisation of and reduction of air pollutants in the transport sector, regarding both public and freight transportation by developing the infrastructure for alternative fuels. |
Supporting alternative fuel based local transport systems in at least 3 pilot areas by 2025.
4. To improve energy efficient, cost efficient and innovative low-carbon technologies, including smart solutions while respecting the principle of technological neutrality. | Promoting and supporting the implementation of at least 3 new technology focused projects launched by 2025. |
5. To enforce regional cooperation with the aim of supporting the implementation of projects connecting energy markets with a focus on the projects of the Central and South Eastern European Energy Connectivity (CESEC) initiative.
Provide platform to follow the implementation of the CESEC action plan.
6. To exchange best practices and to develop activities to decrease energy poverty, to increase the protection of vulnerable consumers and to empower consumers to engage in the energy market.
Elaboration of Energy Poverty Reduction Action Plan for the Danube Region. |
7. To explore new and innovative solutions of (subsurface) energy storage. | Elaboration of a policy paper on subsurface energy storage potentials in the Danube Region and support the implementation of such projects. |
8. To encourage exchange of information and best practices to improve cooperation, create synergies and to initiate joint projects with other macro-regional initiatives and relevant stakeholders at European and global level. |
At least 5 joint workshops, studies or position papers by 2025
9. To encourage project generation related to the energy field. | To generate 15 successful proposals, making use of all relevant funds and programmes, in the next programming period (until 2027). |