The involvement of the non-EU countries to the Danube Region Strategy is a key priority within the macro-regional cooperation. Therefore the Priority Area 2 launched a tailor made training program, to offer knowledge transfer and experience of the EU countries to the non-EU Danube Region countries. As the first beneficiary of the training program, the Republic of Moldova was chosen because of its specific situation. After a promising Fact Finding Mission in Chisinau in January 2013, where the PA2 experienced a high interest from the Moldovan side and the main topics were discussed, the training program was ready to go.
The first Workshop in Chisinau on 26-28 February, 2013 already showed the relevance and high professional standards of the training program, that was only strengthened during the second and third Workshops on 26-28 March and 27-29 May respectively. The PA2 received a positive feedback from the Moldovan partners, and the good reputation of the training program was also spreading. At a Danube Region Strategy conference on the 9th of July, 2013, Commissioner Günther Oettinger mentioned the PA2 training program as a good example of involving non-EU countries to the European processes.
The knowledge transfer training programs of the Priority Area 2 shows the essentials of the macro-regional cooperation by involving 18 experts from several European countries. These speakers represented different fields and organizations (European Commission, Energy Community, national Regulators, DSOs, TSOs). All the Workshops took place with the active participation of the representatives and lead experts of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova, the Regulatory Authority of Moldova (ANRE), local TSOs, DSOs and suppliers (both electricity and gas).
As the main aim of these training programs was to help the implementation of the 3rd EU Energy Package in Moldova, several topics were discussed regarding this question with almost 30 presentations:
- Independence, tasks, responsibilities and necessary statutory powers of the Regulator,
- regional market building possibilities,
- supporting competition,
- cross-border capacity calculation and congestion management,
- unbundling (requirements on separation activities of TSO and DSO,designation and certification procedure of TSOs, practical examples),
- general customer protection,
- service quality regulation,
- end-user switching process,
The Priority Area 2 is planning a 4th Workshop in Chisinau before the summer break, which is going to take place on 29-30 July, 2013 with the planned agenda of mainly regulatory and grid connection questions (monitoring of the regulated activities, enforcement of the regulations, the responsibilities of different players for grid connection, dispute settlement regarding network connection, small customers’ self-electricity generation, connection costs, etc.). The Priority Area 2 will be represented by Advisor Szilvia Nagy.
Regarding the positive feedback and beneficial effect of the training programs the PA2 is expecting to continue the workshops in Moldova, as well as planning to extend it to other Danube countries.