In the year of 2019 the Czech coordination of PA2 was focusing on energy poverty.
Cold home, leaking roof and “eat or heat” dilemma. These are just a few examples of a phenomenon called energy poverty.
People often associate energy poverty and its risks with developing countries. However, the estimated number of people at risk of energy poverty in the European Union is between 10% and 25% of the population.
Energy poverty is a complex and multidimensional problem, lying at the intersection of three factors: household income, energy costs and the energy efficiency of the housing stock.
These are the reasons why the topic was in the focus of the priority area.
We are happy to announce that in accordance, PA2 has commissioned a study, prepared by the Czech Technical University in Prague, University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings, titled ’Study on Energy Poverty in the Danube Region’.
The study (Studie_Energy_Poverty_in_the_Danube_Region) and the Policy_Paper_Energy_Poverty_in_the_Danube_Region are available now.