Smart Cities in Danube Region

Smart Cities in Danube Region

  PA2 has commissioned a study, titled “Smart Cities in Danube Region”, summarizing the conclusions of a detailed project and literature review as well as expert opinions, as it was formed

Energy Barge Final Conference

Energy Barge Final Conference

  The final conference of Energy Barge project ( will be held in Budapest, on the 23rd of May 2019. The Danube region offers a great potential for green energy

E-Mobility Workshop

E-Mobility Workshop

  The international expert workshop at the E-Mobility-Day will be organised in Lower Austria, Melk, on Saturday, 25th of May, 2019. Beside of presentations of international e-mobility experts participants will

Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 4th call is open

Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 4th call is open

The new call, Capitalisation through coordination, is an experiment to coordinate capitalisation across funds. Cooperation beyond Interreg community is central for taking forward the outputs and results of our currently funded Interreg CENTRAL