In the Eastern Danube Region, district heating and cooling (DHC) systems face several common challenges to become financially and environmentally sustainable. DHC systems and district-heated buildings are often outdated, poor and inefficient, using (primarily imported) fossil fuels. Read more…


Energy storage is key to unlocking renewable power’s full potential. Our groundbreaking project targets the critical challenge of energy storage within the Danube Region, specifically focusing on the environmental impacts of current storage methods and the need for more sustainable alternatives. Read more…



The Danube Region relies heavily on imported, fossil-fuel energy sources, which raises environmental, efficiency and security concerns. The concept of renewable energy communities (RECs) is not widely known in the region, and their operation is often hampered by legal, internal operational, infrastructural or technical barriers. Read more…



Danube Indeet will facilitate the expansion and implementation of renewable energy in the Danube region. Renewable energy expansion requires extension of the electricity grid, which often cannot be carried out at the same pace. Read more…



SMEnergy is an innovative project aimed at accelerating the transition to green energy for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Danube Region. By developing comprehensive support tools, including an Energy Transition Roadmap, a Green Energy Database and Marketplace, and Green Energy Knowledge, Operation, and Service Hubs (GEKOS), SMEnergy aims to empower SMEs to adopt sustainable energy solutions efficiently. SMEnergy uses a collaborative approach involving engaging various stakeholders in co-creating practical and scalable green energy initiatives. Read more…







Te main goal of the DanuP-2-Gas project is to advance transnational energy planning by promoting generation and storage strategies for renewables in the Danube Region. Ths is done through coupling the electric power, gas and biomass sectors. Read more…



V4 Green Universities

V4GU aims at contributing to the support of today’s largest challenge, the fight against climate change by awareness raising. Read more…


Hódthermál Project

One of the Hungarian winners of the EUCF (EUROPEAN CITY FACILITY)

Program, the Project Hódthermál was supported with a letter of support by the PA2 Energy. The aim of the project launched by the Hódmezővásárhely municipality is to renew and expand the district heating service provided to residential and public users and economic operators using geothermal-based, renewable energy sources within the framework of the comprehensive energy program. In connection with this, the municipality should modernize its IT and property management services, modernize the level of urban management services in the settlement and generate new energy investments resulting in energy savings and reduction of pollutant emissions.



The main objective of the 3Smart project is to provide a technological and legislative setup for cross-spanning energy management of buildings, grids and major city infrastructures in the Danube Region. It will provide optimal economical value to energy-efficiency and renewable energy investment in the building and at the same time it will result in optimized costs on the grid side whereas grid and buildings will also interact through exchanging energy and prices data. This is expected to motivate installation of distributed storages in both buildings and grids for improving energy security in the Danube Region. Read more...


In the focus of the DARLINGe project is promotion of the sustainable utilization of the existing, however still largely untapped deep geothermal resources in the heating sector. Read more…


The main objective of the project ENERGY BARGE is to exploit the potential for green energy in the form of biomass along the Danube river in a sustainable way.  Read more…