The Carpathian Convention is strongly involved in strengthening territorial cooperation in the Carpathians at different levels and plays an important role in the implementation of the EU Strategy of the Danube Region (EUSDR) in its reference geographical area (the Carpathians). Partnerships are important in order to merge forces and to establish synergies that facilitate the implementation of both, the Convention’s and EUSDR´s aims.
5th Annual Forum of the EUSDR that took place on 3-4 November 2016 in Bratislava was a great opportunity for the Priority Area 2 EUSDR and the Carpathian Convention to sign the Memorandum of Cooperation. The Memorandum of Cooperation aims at enhancing synergies between processes and mandates of the Carpathian Convention and the EUSDR to the benefit of the Region, and at ensuring the further strengthening of the ongoing Danube – Carpathian collaboration.
It was agreed that strengthened cooperation will have a positive impact on the implementation of the objectives set up by the Carpathian Convention and the EUSDR.
- Cooperation is needed to address the interdependency that characterizes the issue and challenges affecting the macro-region;
- Collaboration helps to face the challenges such as demographic trends, characterised particularly by the combined effects of ageing, low population density in the mountain areas and new migration models, high vulnerability to climate change and more;
- Cooperation must aims at enhanced integration of the mountain issues into the EUSDR;
- Cooperation may help to offer an adequate platform to enhance the participation of relevant stakeholders in the development of the strategic projects;
- Collaboration may strengthen the synergies with other EU Macro-regional Strategies (EUSALP, EUSAIR), exchange of knowledge and good practices among these areas.