In the year of 2019 the Hungarian coordination of PA2 was focusing on sustainable energy storage innovations.
We are happy to announce that in accordance, PA2 has commissioned a study, prepared by the Hungarian Gas Storage (Hungary), titled ’Sustainable Energy Storage Innovations in Danube Region Countries for the EU-Goals of the Paris Climate Agreement’.
The EU’s green strategy particularly promotes the wider spread of renewable energy sources and by this the restructuring of the existing energy system in order to reduce the emission of CO2 and achieve the emission target set out in the Paris Agreement. The most critical cornerstone in the spread of renewable energy sources is how to store surplus energy in an efficient way.
According to the Paris Climate Agreement, EU member countries have a common goal to reduce their carbon-dioxide level by 2030, and Energy Storage technologies offer sustainable, predictable and long-term solutions to achieve this target.
In this study, we focus on the sustainable energy Priority Area (PA2) established in the Danube Region Strategy, more specifically on energy storage. There are two main reasons for this. On the one hand, it helps in achieving the national targets based on the Europe 2030 climate and energy targets, along with the National Energy and Climate Plans. On the other hand, it is a fact that the Danube Region is a bottleneck in the energy sector, which must be solved in order to establish a stable and reliable supply of energy. Gas storages play significant role in securing the supply in the Danube Region, they provide insurance-, system- and flexibility value in the gas value chain.
The energy mix of primary energy consumption is expected to be restructured and power consumption will significantly intensify by the end of 2030s. In order to successfully implement sustainable technologies, we have investigated available energy storage methods in general and in natural gas storage circumstances.
The study is available here.