The 2nd newsletter of the year 2022 has been published at the end of the year. It summarizes the achievements and activities of the priority area during the second semester
Greening District Heating
PA2 prepared an interactive training material on how to feed geothremal energy into existing district heating systems. You can find here an e-learning material about the potentials of geothermal district
DanubE SusTaINable Energy
PA2 launched an interactive portal a the end of 2022, called DESTINE… The aim of this interactive portal is to provide up-to-date information (brief thematic descriptions focussed on the
Phasing Out Russian Gas in the Danube Region
A study prepared by REKK investigates the Russian gas dependency of the Danube Region (DR) and the potential to reduce this dependency on the short term (next winter 2022/23) and
“Decarbonisation of heating and cooling sector – promotion of green district heating in the Danube Region”
PA2 has commissioned a study on promoting green district heating in the Danube Region. The study – prepared by MATÁSZSZ, the Hungarian Association of District Heating Companies – provides a
Summary of PA2 event at the EU Sustainable Energy Week
The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. The policy session, organised by PA2 and REKK, has been included in the Extended
Workshop at EUSEW titled ‘How to accelerate natural gas phase-out in Central Eastern Europe?’
The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. We are pleased that our policy session, organised together with
European City Facility 4th Call is now open
The last, 4th call of the European City Facility program, with the focus of supporting energy efficiency in municipalities/local authorities has just been launched. The Call is open from June